Saturday, July 4, 2009

New York, Day 1 1/2

Do computer scientists count in halves?

I called it thus because I didn't get to posting last night. Anyway, after surving the entire week without getting sick, the night before I left I caught it, and was sick thursday night and Yesterday. We still flew at the same time, and I slept almost the whole flight, on my Mom's shoulder :) That definitely helped me mend.

I enjoyed listening to "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab For Cutie when we were near landing. I just got Plans, for anyone who cares to know ;)

I had a good night of sleep last night also, and am doing much better now. Thank you all for your prayers.

Yesterday we ended up being on a flight (only by chance, since we weren't with most of the group) with one other girl from the orchestra and her mom. We shared a cab into Manhattan, and got to see the skyline and Times Square and all the people and bustle and busyness, which we've seen more of and will continue to see. We're staying right near the center of Times Square, about a block away.

This morning we walked about Central Park a fair bit, and had hot dogs from an NYC hot dog stand.

My recurring observation, is that this is a very TALL city.

More Later!


Shiloh Mae said...

you know a place is tall if if it makes jared notice it :)
it made me swell up and want to see it when you described the skyline. i think i will listen to designer skyline by owl city now...

Stephanie said...

Sometimes if there are clouds at night in NYC the lights of the city bounce off of them and it makes it almost daylight. Let me know if you experience that...I think it's kind of cool.